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Testing Apple Vision Pro Performance

We are performing an in-depth analysis of Apple's latest innovation, the Vision Pro with OptoFidelity's BUDDY Test System. Our testing covers key metrics like photon-to-photon, see-through latency and angular motion-to-photon, comparing it to rivals Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest Pro, and HTC Vive XR Elite.


Test 3: Virtual content Jitter

Jitter is used to describe a high-frequency, vibration-like, unexpected movement of the image. It can be observed as a blurred, shaking, or jumping image, possibly leading to eyestrain or nausea.

virtual content jitter

Jitter can occur during movement or when stationary. Human sight has a remarkable ability to lock the gaze on an object even while moving. This is particularly handy when we read and inevitably must adjust our posture from time to time. However, if the movement is unexpected, our ability to keep our gaze locked in the text can easily be compromised.

Two separate tests were conducted: Angular Jitter when the headset was stationary and Angular Jitter during movement.

See the full report.

Test 2: Angular Motion-to-Photon Latency in VR

Virtual content motion-to-photon latency is one of the most important factors when considering immersion. When we move, our brains expect to see a corresponding change in our visual perception. If those don’t match, we experience a phenomenon called sensory mismatch. The mismatch can be generated in multiple different ways and with multiple different senses and lead to discomfort and nausea.

In this test case, we concentrated on how well angular motion and displayed image motion match each other. All the test subjects perform relatively well in terms of Motion-to-photon latency (MTP).

angular motion-to-photon latency in vr


Test 1: See-Through Latency, Photon-to-Photon


Mixed reality glasses are complex devices made of multiple components that work together, aiming for total immersion. One of the biggest challenges with MR devices has been the see-through latency. With the new Apple Vision Pro now out, we wanted to see how well it compares to other MR devices in the market.  

The first and most notable observation was the Apple Vision Pro’s extremely low latency of ~11ms.

Read the report